The Pearl of the Orient –   Taj Mahal,             




a monument of the world cultural heritage


Moslem law 

(The Koran)

Built on legitimateness, legal subjectivity and legal power of the Koran and Hadithes. They are based on cultural legal authority of Mahomet, monotheism doctrine and law of other prophets.

According to the Moslem law doctrine, a human is subject of international law unlike the so-called and generally accepted, western or civilized doctrine of international law.

In its turn, the doctrine is a major source of the Moslem law.

As religious cultural legal system, it comprises one of the major legal systems, the so-called three world religions: Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.


       Recommended literature:

       All works of Syukiyainen L.R.


To the biginning


(ñ) Author's web-site of  Sergey N. Molchanov. 2008.

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