Nikolai K. Roerich. Tibet. 1933              


Buddhist Law


Based on legitimateness, legal power, legal subjectivity and outlook cultural legal authority of Gautama-Buddha, his predecessors and followers.

Religious or outlook (depending upon comments) cultural legal system formed in the VI century B.C.

Applied alongside with secular law in legal systems of several Asian states (countries).

One of the most non-violent religious normative legal systems. Cultural and administrative centre is in Tibet (Potala). 

After China’s occupation in 1959, Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Buddhists, in protest, left his residence in Potala and ever since has lived and stayed in various countries around the world.


To the biginning

(ñ) Author's web-site of  Sergey N. Molchanov. 2008.

- International Cultural Law - Home e-site  - http://www.culturalaw.net/ - International (Asian) Cultural Law - Home e-site - INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL LAW - (NATIONAL) CULTURAL LAW - http://www.culturallaw.ru - http://kulturnoe-prawo.narod.ru



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